Kim Weaver Retires!
Happy retirement to UPSer Kim Weaver, who retired last Friday from Napa!
View GalleryHappy retirement to UPSer Kim Weaver, who retired last Friday from Napa!
View GalleryThis morning, Joint Council 7 Teamsters picketed at a Castro stop along shuttle drivers’ routes working for WeDriveU and Loop Inc. Along their bus route, we delayed shuttles to ask for a secure retirement for these drivers who transport tech workers from San Francisco to Silicon Valley for companies like Apple, Google, and Tesla.
View GalleryFlashback Friday to Teamster Horsemen Chapter 7 West’s 2nd Annual event for Autism Speaks Fundraiser. Thank you to volunteers from 315 that helped cook Ray “Speedy” Gomez, Dave Williams, Manny Fontes, Tito Gasteleum, and other retirees!
View GallerySecretary-Treasurer Don E. Garcia checks in with members at Sheldon Gas. These folks are the technicians and drivers behind delivering and servicing your propane tanks!
View GallerySecretary-Treasurer Don E. Garcia, Business Agents Mike Hughes and Nick Berry joined forces with California labor leaders yesterday to protect the Dynamex decision by speak with assembly members and senators in Sacramento.
View GalleryHappy Friday! Remember, we hold membership meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of each month! Next meeting will be Wednesday September 12th at 8pm in our Vallejo office!
View GalleryTeamsters Local 315 is in extended contract negotiations with Republic Services and is far from a settlement for workers in the Recycling Division at Richmond Sanitary Service. A strike is anticipated and we ask for community solidarity.
View GalleryAfter holding a steward’s election for Allied Waste (Garbage) drivers in Pacheco, the members nominated Chris Mann to lead his co-workers.
View Gallery315 members from East Bay Sanitary meet their new Business Agent David Rodriguez before their shift. East Bay Sanitary is a family-owned garbage collection service that serves the city of El Cerrito.
View GalleryCongratulations to Cemex Teamsters in Fairfield who ratified their new contract last night! Business Agent Dustin Baumbach explained the new changes to the contract, including raising wages and adding paid sick leave, paid vacation, and employer contribution into Teamsters 401k.
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