Seeking work? Please contact (925)-228-2246 extension 117 and leave a message for Dispatch. In order to access our Hiring Hall, you must:
- Sign up on the 1st working Monday of the month. Martinez Hall open 8:30am-5pm. Vallejo Hall open 8:30am to 12pm and 1pm-5pm.
- Pay a monthly Hiring Hall fee of $79.
- Provide a Class A or B license, medical card, and any endorsements.
- –If you do not have a Class A or B license then you are only qualified for warehouse/miscellaneous work only. To be on the warehouse list, the Hiring Hall fee is $29.
- After visiting Hall for initial in-person registration AND you are a member, you may call in to the Dispatcher on sign-up day.
- If you are NOT a member you will need to physically come to the Hall to sign-up and register each month in order to hold your spot on the list.
- You must sign up and pay Hiring Hall fees each month to hold your spot on the list.
Being added to our out of work list DOES NOT mean you are a member of our Local and it does not guarantee work.